How to Treat a Woman and Keep Her
Ladies...If you can't seem to explain what you want and why, pass this along to your man/hubby/bitch...etc.
And if that doesn't work, just get the fucking baseball bat and put them out of your misery.
This blog is about me: Mother of 3, wife of one. I am crazy in love with everything I have in life, but it isn't always easy. I plan to post real world real life shit here. There's no time line or format, just me. Let me know what you want to read or ask! Sit back, enjoy the ride, and embark on the the Browning adventure.
How to Treat a Woman and Keep Her
Ladies...If you can't seem to explain what you want and why, pass this along to your man/hubby/bitch...etc.
And if that doesn't work, just get the fucking baseball bat and put them out of your misery.
As I round into another lovely year in Alaska, I realize a few things......
The first thing I realize as I head into the depths of the 5th anniversary of our Alaska arrival; that friendship obviously doesn't last in this deep abyss of a shithole they call a town. People swarm on you because you're new meat...and then they eventually die away. You still have a few stragglers that are like maggots on rotting flesh...they'll hang around until they grow the fuck up. Unfortunately, that could take years, as I've noticed, or not happen at all.
The second thing I've come to realize: There is no loyalty. While loyalty is important to me, it's a mother fucking novelty to others. I've also started to notice, the higher the paycheck, the less trustworthy the person. A "hypothetical" example: go straight to the top here at Fort Greedy and you have some crazy, untrustworthy, sketchy ass people who don't give a damn about moral and pick names out of a hat for who gets screwed for the week. One word: Classy. Two words: Grow up. Three words: Just leave already!
In addition to the skewed definition of loyalty here...people forgot how to be friends on their journey to the Alaskan frontier. I expect this happens as you pass through or over the Canadian border. I'm not sure if there is a occipital lobe or brain cell drop off box, or if it's customary to just smack travelers with an aluminum bat...either way...serious mature adult skills lack. What happened to support friends through tough times, checking on them, or just showing some overall compassion instead of making everything a selfish endeavor. I have never disliked so many people at once in my life, and for anyone who knows me( that's a feat)...I hate everything and everybody unless proven otherwise.
In the end, it all comes down to survival (surviving me that is):
*Don't fucking use me...I am so over that scenerio.
*Don't be a bitch for no reason. If you have a reason, just grow a pair of balls and fucking tell me. I don't like games.
*If you don't comply with the first 2...It's game on.
*and if you think the third one is a joke...refer to the second one...I don't like games, I don't fucking play them.
What right do I have to write this: I'm pulling my membership card to: