About Me

Let me tell you a little about me. I am one of a kind. I can be your best friends or I can be your worst nightmare. I walk the walk and talk the talk, but sometimes the walk and the talk are fake. That's right, sometimes I can be fake. Why be rude or hurt feelings if you don't have to? It isn't hard to fake liking someone. My mother calls these instances my "Academy Award Performances!" Which brings me to, Yes, Bitch! I am one, I am proud of who I am and have becomes, and it has gotten me everything I've wanted in life. I am a strong woman. I don't like help, and I love being independent. I love my life. It hasn't always been easy, but it has never been boring. My husband still makes me laugh my ass off. He's a good man. I could burn dinner, ruin the laundry, and not clean anything for days, and he would still say I did a good job! A keeper for sure! When our song plays on the radio he texts me the radio station to turn to. He also pisses me off like no one in the world can. I'm a lucky lady! My kids are my world, they make life worth living to the fullest and have forced me to become a better person. It's just awesome being a wife and mother.

Nov 28, 2010

What the hell is wrong with people

Now, before I start off, let me tell you............if you read this, and think it may be about you......sorry. I'm not telling on people, I'm just trying to back up my story.

Once upon a time, there was a couple who were unmarried yet madly in love (the people have since faded into crotchety old married people)............This couple considered themselves fairly good people and tried to help whenever possible. The following list is a chronicle of what we've tried to accomplish in our lives:

1997- a pregnant friend needed help paying medical bills due to lack of ins...we payed for them. (we were 16 and 18).

1999 (and 1995 and 1996)(This one is just me)- a self destructive friend was being abused at home and ran away twice, moved out once.  She lived at my parents house and we welcomed her.  She has since turned around and called me a conniving bitch who hates her life and is jealous of her and her boyfriend of 12 years. (Believe me, I am totally jealous of the fact that after 12 years, your boyfriend won't commit to your bitch ass!) She has since written a post on a friends FB wall that claims that (a dig at me) that stay at home moms are in a state of self loathing and secretly hate themselves and their children since they lack normal everyday educated conversation with adults.  She claims she's a published writer (under an assumed name of course) and is in medical school. I claim she's just a spiteful cunt who needs her bitch ass put down. Never in my life have I helped someone so much and had them turn on me with false claims of jealously and intentional personal destruction aimed at her. Again, I cannot say enough how much I want her to just get run over by a Mack truck.  You would think this thinking is severe and heartless, but this callus thinking has grown over years of being fucked over by my friends.  And this person was a bridesmaid in my wedding, had double ZZ titties and refused to wear a bra...and I let it go....cause I'm spiteful and conniving.  Had I been wiser I would have said.  The only titties I want popping out at my wedding are my own.  I now have a nipple shot on my wedding video from her boos flying out of her dress.  Which she doesn't know, because I wasn't going to dwell on it.

2002- We let a friend stay with us for minimal rent in a house we just bought. This would allow me to continue college and have a little extra spending money. We gave him his own room, respected his privacy and quite honestly let him do his own thing.  He never paid rent, ate all our food and walked away telling everyone how awful we were.  It must be awful to pay no bills, eats someone Else's paycheck, pretend to be an adult, and carry-on whichever way you want.  Yes, those Browning people are just fucking awful.  Awful, awful, awful.

2004- we temporarily moved to Fort Sill, OK, allowing  friend to stay in our house for free in return of her watching our dogs while she went to school.  We trusted her with the welfare of our puppies and house.  She destroyed the house, broke a ton of my shit, stole a huge spaghetti pot I used to have, and when we returned, the dogs had fleas....yuk.  She then receded to write me an e-mail stating what I owed her for flea control and housecleaning after the dogs. Priceless.

2005- This year just seemed like a huge goat fuck from the middle to the end. Pete was deployed to Iraq, I was alone with a 2 year old, and decided to buy a bigger House and remodel it top from bottom by myself.  In this time, I tried to rent to old house or sell it, whichever came first.....it's still on the market....lucky me.  I asked for help from family...shot down. (my mom and dad helped, that's it!)  Evidently, everyone else was too busy doing nothing to spend time with their grandson. moving on...........

2006- rented the house for the first time! 3 bed, 2 full bath, basement, fenced in yard....$740. I rented the house to my best friend and her husband.  The first rent check bounced.  They left out of the blue and the electricity was shut off. We had to pay their bills to re rent the house. A big mess was left behind.  I was very hurt. This is also the last time I ever had a best friend.  I miss having a best friend, but I don't miss the grief. And for the record, this friend and I just recently reconnected. I will say that her husband was a creepy loser.  He never deserved her or her kids and he left them with hardly any notice....deadbeat loser! I am so glad she is moving on with normal people with real ambitions and lives.

2007- we moved to Alaska.  We enlisted the help of an aunt who drove from MI to Alaska with us, on our dime of course. The plan was to have her be in Alaska with us and watch Peter while I was in the hospital having Kaidence, since I was 8 months pregnant when we moved there.  We spent in total 2800 on separate hotels rooms, food, Ferry tickets, special foods, etc on the trip.  She was supposed to stay about 6 weeks, depending on when the baby came. She lasted a week. Said her dad had to have surgery, flew back to MI.  She then proceeded to tell people that my husband threatened to shoot her and made fun of her weight.  Pete is married to a fat person, why would he make fun of one? She said some awful things. I'm not sure why she felt the need to lie, but being a relative, this hurt us.

2008- Instead of being screwed by people, we lost a vehicle and Pete totalled another one...so it wasn't any easier of a year.

2010- This is the most recent kicker.  At the same time that we moved my mom from MI to AK, her 2 dogs and cat....we allowed a couple and their daughter to stay with us a couple weeks while their lease came up and they were closing on a new house.  She also watched 4 daycare kids. The 2 weeks turned into 2 months....so for 2 months, we had 3 extra adults, 2 extra dogs, 1 extra cat, and 5 extra kids at the house. It was fucking nuts, but i took it in stride.  We never asked for money, until the end, when the electric bill was 600 dollars.  In all the time these people were spending money like crazy. The husband camped out on the couch playing video games all day. They used our house, our baby food etc. The wife bought groceries a couple times, but I asked her to stop since there was just too much food in the house.  In all, they were stressed because of tight quarters and we were too. She grew increasingly angry with everyone, including the kids. We would wake up at 530am to her yelling at someone. When we asked for money, we got $100.  $75 for a table we sold them, and $25 for everything else.  I am so glad they contributed the $25 dollars to the household.  It helped us so much. NOT

This is just a small fraction of how we've helped and been screwed. I know it isn't christian to dwell on this shit, but oh well people, i got screwed, I'm still pissed about it.  Maybe if people knew how to apologize or say thank you, or something.  But they don't.  The general rule now is "don't help anyone, even our friends!"  This is sad, because we love to help and give. It just seems to be ingrained in our nature and it is who we are. 

So, in general, we have to change who we are and keep everyone in a "don't trust' status until they can prove otherwise to us. What a cruel way to live life.  And we've been shown daily that people cannot change.  They can try, but in the end, they are all out for their own personal gain and will steam roll everyone over in order to get to their destination!

The world is cruel, evil, unfair, and unjust. The only way I see to get ahead is act like people who steamroll you, and steam roll them back. As sad realization after 30 years, but a realistic realization, compared to the charitable fog I have existed in :(

and, for those who notice grammatical and typing errors, I'm lucky enough to type uninterrupted (this post took me 3 days), let alone proofread! sorry!


Jamie said...

Amber, it is truly impressive that you guys have kept going despite all of these poor situations. Two years ago my best friend stopped talking to me. She didn't like my confrontational personality, I guess. So, I suppose she wasn't much of a friend after all, but it has been really disappointing and really difficult to trust anyone ever since. I just want a best friend again, but it's so hard to open up after something like that happens to you. I hope you guys find people who will be your true friends. And soon!

Jamie said...

There was something else I wanted to say about your post. Even though it seems like you guys got shit on, I definitely think God was using you guys to help these people. And if they really took time to think about influential people in their lives, they would probably see and appreciate what you did, even if you never hear the thanks for it. It's possible that the ones who lashed out were only reacting to their own insecurities in knowing they'd never be able to pay you back for your kindness. Either way, your deeds have not gone unnoticed. You were obviously in their lives for a reason, even if you never got anything out of it. In my opinion, that's pretty cool.

goda said...

Amber and Goda- hateful grudge keeping bffs 4 eva!
PS You totally owe me royalties for Bumper Sticker logos, however since I am a good friend I will not collect.