About Me

Let me tell you a little about me. I am one of a kind. I can be your best friends or I can be your worst nightmare. I walk the walk and talk the talk, but sometimes the walk and the talk are fake. That's right, sometimes I can be fake. Why be rude or hurt feelings if you don't have to? It isn't hard to fake liking someone. My mother calls these instances my "Academy Award Performances!" Which brings me to, Yes, Bitch! I am one, I am proud of who I am and have becomes, and it has gotten me everything I've wanted in life. I am a strong woman. I don't like help, and I love being independent. I love my life. It hasn't always been easy, but it has never been boring. My husband still makes me laugh my ass off. He's a good man. I could burn dinner, ruin the laundry, and not clean anything for days, and he would still say I did a good job! A keeper for sure! When our song plays on the radio he texts me the radio station to turn to. He also pisses me off like no one in the world can. I'm a lucky lady! My kids are my world, they make life worth living to the fullest and have forced me to become a better person. It's just awesome being a wife and mother.

Nov 26, 2010

where can I check myself into the psych ward?

The past few months since my last post have been somewhat of a whirl wind.  I know people keep reminding me that it is time to update the blog, but usually I do my blogging in the evening when the children go to bed. At the state of my life that i have recently met, the only thing i want to do at night is pretend that I am a mentally sane person.

Don't get me wrong, i love my life. It may not be prefect, but it's perfect for me.  Peter has been getting into trouble at school.  That's one of the biggest changes for the family. The school is increasingly sending home citations for stuff that I think are mainly dumb.  For example" "Peter stopped to shake a tree when he was returning to the building after recess.............." Really?  Quite frankly, it is a fucking miracle that he stopped for anything.  So count your blessing he didn't light the tree on fire...Oh wait, that is Kaidence that likes to play with fire.  Moving on........Evidently Peter is great at pissing off the bus driver.  On morning the bus driver reportedly told Peter he was going to "cut your tongue out" if he didn't quit being loud.  Peter arrived to school scared and moody (words of the principal).  The principal asked Peter what was wrong and and Peter told her what the bus driver said and told her he was scared.  The principal did not this the claim was substantiated enough to call the parents, but did report it to the bus barn officials.  Let me first say, the principal and I do not see eye to eye. She has a soft approach to children, I do not.  I am a fir believer in the saying "children should be seen, not heard!"  That doesn't mean they can't talk it means they should be noticed for their respectfulness and behavior in public, not their screaming and crying and throwing fits. On with the story....I found this litter bus driver tidbit from the principal the day I requested a meeting with her. Pete and I went to talk to her about some issues with discipline and school we were having.  I also caught her in a lie two days before, where she whited out part of a bus citation recopied it, and sent it home. Her explanation of this was to spare me the headache of signing something that had a box checked that peter was annoying. I made it clear that the bus driver is not at liberty to point out a personality flaw on my child, so I wouldn't sign citations that were marked with the "annoying" checked. Well, one came in with that box checked, the principal altered it, and she didn't think I would know.

So, here we sit in the Principal's office, which I hadn't been in years...>although it has been less years since I was in the deans office at college.................:)  Any who...........I had to explain to the principal that I wasn't one of those dumb ass parents that don't give a shit and don't know what their doing. I am involved with my kids and their educations, and I would expect to be treated like the intelligent, education, aware parent that I am.  Imagine her surprise when I told her I knew she lied to me and altered the bus citation.  What a dumb bitch.  I wonder how many of the stupid dumb fuck parents she lies to and gets away with.  I also made it clear that the next time the bus driver threatens my kid, everyone would be sorry.  If you're not clear what this means, let me explain. 

first threat to my child is a warning. I bring it to the attention of the proper people, expect it to be reported, and make it damn clear that the next time it happens, momma gets psychotic.  By psychotic, I mean: I will threaten the stupid mother fucker at the bus stop, Follow him to his house, knock on the door, and when he answer, I'll beat his face in with a baseball bat.  If you think I am kidding watch the news people.  I expect my kids to behave, I expect them to follow rules I expect them to be polite, I expect them to be better than anyone Else's kids, and I expect them to be safe to/from/at school. I cannot teach my children that adults are authoritative and in charge when the adults in question behave no better than my child.

And, speaking of threatening, what is with the driver threatening a seat belt for Peter, yet never using it/  If the kids is that fucking bad on the bus, get off your fat stinky lumpy Russian as, and seat belt the damn kid in.  How hard is it.  Evidently it's easier to bitch, whine, complain, write citations, and waste time in general than it is to actually use a seat belt.  what a stupid fucker.

1 comment:

goda said...

Eh I wouldn't touch a kid, last thing I would want is the kid to say I touched it inappropriately that being said all these people sound incompetent, why can't the bus driver say "If you don't behave I will have to leave you at home and if you don't go to school your parents will be upset with you." Lord knows I wouldn't want you to be pissed at me!