About Me

Let me tell you a little about me. I am one of a kind. I can be your best friends or I can be your worst nightmare. I walk the walk and talk the talk, but sometimes the walk and the talk are fake. That's right, sometimes I can be fake. Why be rude or hurt feelings if you don't have to? It isn't hard to fake liking someone. My mother calls these instances my "Academy Award Performances!" Which brings me to, Yes, Bitch! I am one, I am proud of who I am and have becomes, and it has gotten me everything I've wanted in life. I am a strong woman. I don't like help, and I love being independent. I love my life. It hasn't always been easy, but it has never been boring. My husband still makes me laugh my ass off. He's a good man. I could burn dinner, ruin the laundry, and not clean anything for days, and he would still say I did a good job! A keeper for sure! When our song plays on the radio he texts me the radio station to turn to. He also pisses me off like no one in the world can. I'm a lucky lady! My kids are my world, they make life worth living to the fullest and have forced me to become a better person. It's just awesome being a wife and mother.

Aug 4, 2011

Fight Like a Girl - you don't qualify

I really have had another post in the works about a story I wanted to share, but that will have to be later because I have a rant I need to share.

Today I got some news that my ever so loving extended family once again had confirmation of being fucked up beyond belief. I don't know how many of you have families that you can depend on 100%, but my family you can ABSOLUTELY depend on them...to rake you over the coals and stab you in the heart.  Isn't it great to have someone to depend on.  So,  Deb...you think being a sister to my Dad is so much more important than being his daughter....Look up the genetics since you're so fucking brilliant.  Ladies and gentlemen, this miserable bitch made a comment about me and my deceased dad that went something like "I've been his sister way longer than they have been his kids."  Good for you, you vile, spiteful, heinous BITCH!  Let me list a few reasons why your logic is flawed...beyond belief!

Reasons why you aren't the more important relative in relation to my dad:

1) Genetics....duh asshole.  If I need to explain this one, well I guess there's no point in numbering the rest because you wouldn't know what order to go in.

2) He loved me more.  Think what you want, but it's true.

3) I'm nicer. Not by much, but hell, the devil has kinder words to say

4) I'm happier. It obviously has to be true if you make hateful remarks as the one above in relation to a fucking proper headstone to my dead father.

5) I'm better looking.  This is just a given, but a sumo wrestler is also better looking

6) My dad thought you were a bitch...it shouldn't be hard to prove because so does everyone else

7) I know how to form meaningful relationships with people, you know how to destroy them.

I am quite sure I can number to 50, but I want to end on this note: Please remember (while you''re insulting my dad's daughter, who is so awful because she is half of him...) the number of beatings he took for you. Maybe if you didn't fuck up so much he wouldn't have had so many beating.....but you're perfect, so never mind.

I think I have now successfully matched her hatred and cruelty.  An eye for an eye...or a heart for a heart.....? It can't be the latter she doesn't have one.


Liv said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Liv said...

Why did it delete my comment? :(

As I said:
A daughter is a daughter for life... and forever. That's all you need to remember.

goda said...

What a see you next tuesday! Not surprised it came from your end of the family more and more I see how awful they treat you.

crazychaos said...
