About Me

Let me tell you a little about me. I am one of a kind. I can be your best friends or I can be your worst nightmare. I walk the walk and talk the talk, but sometimes the walk and the talk are fake. That's right, sometimes I can be fake. Why be rude or hurt feelings if you don't have to? It isn't hard to fake liking someone. My mother calls these instances my "Academy Award Performances!" Which brings me to, Yes, Bitch! I am one, I am proud of who I am and have becomes, and it has gotten me everything I've wanted in life. I am a strong woman. I don't like help, and I love being independent. I love my life. It hasn't always been easy, but it has never been boring. My husband still makes me laugh my ass off. He's a good man. I could burn dinner, ruin the laundry, and not clean anything for days, and he would still say I did a good job! A keeper for sure! When our song plays on the radio he texts me the radio station to turn to. He also pisses me off like no one in the world can. I'm a lucky lady! My kids are my world, they make life worth living to the fullest and have forced me to become a better person. It's just awesome being a wife and mother.

Mar 3, 2011

I'll admit, I'm fucked up!

Here are 40 Random things about me:
1) most of what comes out of my mouth is to get a reaction from people
2) my favorite color is orange
3) I love organization
4) I love peacocks
5) No matter what, I will stand by my husbands side
6) The person I most admire is Kristi
7) The person I least admire is anyone who comes in contact with me on a daily basis.
8) I secretly love that my kids are naughty
9) I don't pump my own gas, but have no problem getting under a car
10) I bite my nails
11) I think I'm ugly
12) I'm too mean
13) my new goals include appreciating people for their differences and flaw.....god knows i have a shit ton!
14) I love to swear
15) I love to make people laugh
16) I am not the person I'd like to be
17) I am more in love with my husband today than I was 14 years ago
18) I don't believe pop tarts , hot pockets, and hamburger helper are real foods!
19) I do however thing mac and cheese from the box is divine..yuk!
20) My food weakness is popcorn
21) my favorite drink is diet coke
22) favorite wine is moscato D'Asti
23) fav alchol is brandy in coffee
24) I think all child molester and abusers should die a slow death
25) I have stolen from a store
26) I have been rock bottom poor
27) I have no tolerance for people who expect government handouts for no work
28) I hate people giving me advice, yet I seem to give it freely
29) If I could shoot people and not go to jail, I probably would
30) I have psychotic road rage
31) I take zoloft
32) I am a dog hoarder! I would run a rescue if I could!
33) I am not  cat person
34) my life's goal is to get a personal meeting between Rush Limbaugh and Jagoda Porolniczak and video tape it for profit.
35) I have great friends, I have untrustworthy freinds, and i have enemies. no matter what category they fall into I'd die for every single one of them.
36) Bobbi Jean will forever be my best friend
37) My daughter scares me, but she must never sense my fear!
38) I sincerely regret 50% of what comes out of my mouth
39) I am a serial steam cleaner
40) I really love my life and all it's ups and downs


crazychaos said...

not that exciting. I called, I yelled, I threatened, I freaked, I screamed, I promised to follow up, he doesn't work there.

Unknown said...

you have always been and will always be my best friend... no matter what its me and you baby!!! u truly r my person!!!!